“An editor doesn’t just read, he reads well, and reading well is a creative, powerful act.”

― Susan Bell, The Artful Edit


Arnie Kotler, M.A. UC Berkeley, has been a developmental editor of nonfiction books since 1979, when he helped translator/scholar/artist Kazuaki Tanahashi with Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dōgen. In 1985, Arnie started Parallax Press and helped craft the lectures and writings of Thich Nhat Hanh and other spiritual peace activists into landmark books. He also compiled and edited books by Thich Nhat Hanh for New York publishers, including Peace Is Every Step (Bantam Books, 1 million sold), Living Buddha Living Christ (Riverhead), and The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching (Broadway Books). Jodie Evans, cofounder of CODEPINK: Women for Peace, told Publishers Weekly, “Arnie has an unerring instinct for agents of change, and he has been able to deliver their messages.” In 1996, Clayton Carlson, founder of HarperSan Francisco, described Parallax Press as “one of the most impressive publishing achievements of the past decade.” The One Spirit Book Club, a division of the Book of the Month Club, described Parallax Press’s books as “simply the best works from the finest contemporary teachers on the topic of practical spirituality.”

Arnie Kotler

In 2005, Arnie founded Koa Books in Hawai‘i to publish works on personal transformation, social justice, and indigenous cultures. Koa Books’ titles have won a host of awards and include Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace, edited by Maxine Hong Kingston; The Wisdom of Sustainability, by Sulak Sivaraksa; Inner Gold, by bestselling Jungian psychologist Robert A. Johnson; and Georgia O’Keeffe’s Hawai‘i, by Patricia Jennings and Maria Ausherman.

Since 2015, Arnie has focused on freelance editing, publishing consulting, and helping authors find publishers.

Editing Services - Peace is Every Step - Living Buddha, Living Christ
Editing Services | Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace | Thinking Green!
Editing Servcies | Dissent | The Wisdom of Sustainability

The Breathable Body Kawai Amalya’s Beads

Editing Services | Rainforest Puuhonua
Editing Services | Inner Gold
Opening to Grief
Georgia O'Keeffe's Hawaii
Editing Services | No Time Like the Present

Editing Services | Self Healing

Editing Services | The Buddha in Jail

Editing Services | A Fierce Heart

Other Books

Aging with Wisdom, by Olivia Hoblitzelle

Amalya’s Beads: Journeys Along a Philippine River, by Dina Wood Kageler

The Breathable Body: Transforming Your World and Your Life One Breath at a Time, by Robert Litman

Bride of the Buddha, by Barbara McHugh

The Buddha in Jail: Restoring Lives, Finding Hope and Freedom, by Cuong Lu

Cancer as a Wake-Up Call: An Oncologist’s Integrative Approach to What You Can Do to Become Whole Again, by M. Laura Nasi, MD

Dharma Gaia: A Harvest of Essays in Buddhism and Ecology, edited by Allan Badiner

Dissent: Voices of Conscience, by Colonel (Ret.) Ann Wright and Susan Dixon

The Divine Heart: Seven Ways to Live in God’s Love, by Colette Lafia

Enchantment and Gestalt Therapy: Partners in Exploring Life, by Erving Polster

Faith, Forensics, and Firearms, by Charles Zeiders

A Fierce Heart: Finding Strength, Courage and Wisdom in Any Moment, by Spring Washam

First Buddhist Women, by Susan Murcott

Forged in Darkness: The Many Paths of Personal Transformation, by Joanna LaPrade

Georgia O’Keeffe’s Hawai‘i, by Patricia Jennings & Maria Ausherman

The Grace in Living: Recognize It, Trust It, Abide in It, by Kathleen Dowling Singh

Guys Like Me, by Michael A. Messner

Happiness Is Overrated: Simple Lessons on Finding Meaning in Each Moment, by Cuong Lu – Shambhala Publications

The Happiness Teachings: A Buddhist Field Guide to Your Inherent Joy, by Dean M. Nelson – Aloha Press

Hawai‘i: Heaven & Hell, by Kim Weol Soon Rupnow

Hollywood to the Himalayas: A Journey of Healing and Transformation, by Sadhvi Saraswati Bhagawati

I Had a Good Teacher: Practicing Suzuki Roshi’s Way of Zen, by Les Kaye

Imperience: Understanding the Heart of Consciousness, by Erik Knud-Hansen

In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations with Spiritual Social Activists, by Catherine Ingram

Inner Gold: Understanding Psychological Projection, by Robert A. Johnson

It’s All Grace: From Surviving My Husband’s Suicide to Sparkling Like a Sapphire in the Sun, by Kimberly Nilsson

Kawai: A Mother’s Daring Rescue to Bring Her Institutionalized Son Home, by Elinor Meadows

Life Reimagined: Retirement as a Spiritual Journey, by Marilyn Sewell

A Life Worth Living, by Mellara Gold

The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny, by Stephen Rowley, PhD

Loving-Kindness in Plain English: The Practice of Metta, by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

He MAKANA ‘ALAMEA: The Precious Gift, by Ruby Hamili

Making It Through: Bosnian Survivors Share Stories of Trauma, Transcendence, and Truth, by Demaris Wehr

Mirror, Mirror: Transforming Narcissism to Self-Realization, by Gayle Bohlman

My Bleeding Heart: Confessions of an American Mamasan, by Tomiko Ok Lee

My Dear Far-Nearness: The Holy Trinity as a Spiritual Practice, by Robert A. Jonas

No Time Like the Present: Finding Freedom and Joy Right Where You Are, by Jack Kornfield

Not One More Mother’s Child, by Cindy Sheehan

Odysseus and the Oar: Healing After War and Military Service, by Adam Magers

On That Day Everybody Ate: One Woman’s Story of Hope and Possibility in Haiti, by Margaret Trost

Opening Little Boxes, by Kees Lodder, Cathy Casey, Manuela Bertão, and Alex Casey

Opening to Grief: Finding Your Way from Loss to Peace, by Claire B. Willis and Marnie Crawford Samuelson

Past Starlit Shadows: The Trials and Transcendence of a Queer Latter-day Saint, by Samuel E. Wolfe

The Path of Compassion: Writings on Socially Engaged Buddhism, edited by Fred Eppsteiner

Rainforest Pu‘uhonua: A Hawaiian Cultural Memoir, by Kahikāhealani Wight

Reflections of a Passerby: Jesus, Jung, and the Power of Choice, by Eleanor L. Norris

Random Thoughts, by Bob Viarengo

Sanctuary: A Meditation on Home, Homelessness, and Belonging, by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Sarasvati’s Gift, by Mayumi Oda

Self-Healing: My Life and Vision, by Meir Schneider

A Sense of Something Greater: Zen and the Search for Balance in Silicon Valley, by Les Kaye and Teresa Bouza

Short Journey Home: Awakening to Freedom with Thich Nhat Hanh, by Richard Brady

Songs of the Tradewinds: Recollections of Hawai‘i, by J.J. Meeker

Spring Flower (3 volumes), by Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins, edited by Richard P. Hsung

Step by Step: Meditations on Wisdom and Compassion, by Maha Ghosananda

Thai Women in Buddhism, by Chatsumarn Kabilsingh

Thinking Green: Essays on Environmentalism, Feminism, and Nonviolence, by Petra Kelly

Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace, edited by Maxine Hong Kingston

Wait: A Love Letter to Those in Despair, by Cuong Lu

When Spirit Calls: A Healing Odyssey, by Joan Diver

The Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century, by Sulak Sivaraksa

Words of Wisdom, by Lama Surya Das

World as Lover, World as Self, by Joanna Macy

Worlds in Harmony, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama